Sunday, April 16, 2006

Back By Popular Demand...

Hey, Guys and Gals!! Sorry it's been so long. Terence has threatened to disown me like we disowned Eric, and Nick even tracked me down on Facebook!! Well, I'm here. Have been all along, but really didn't have too much to say. Well, I've probably had plenty to say, but not enough time in which to say it.

My spring break I guess has officially ended. Or, it will at 5:30 AM when I have to wake up to get ready to go to school. I've only been off a week, but I feel like it's been 3 or 4, and I would still like 1 or 2 more!! I guess I miss my kids a little, but I've REALLY enjoyed the whole "relaxing" thing. One really awesome thing though...only 3 more weeks of instruction before PACT starts. Then 2 weeks of PACT, then our 5th grade field trip to Myrtle Beach, then the last week of school!! That's right kids...the final 6 weeks commence maƱana. I'm excited, but wow. That means there are only 7 weeks until mine and Shay's wedding!! Eeeeek!! That's definitely a good Eeeeek, but a "I've got SO much crap to do before then" Eeeeek, too!

BUT, another bright side of things: we don't have to turn in "real" lesson plans for the rest of the year, and all we have to turn in for the next 3 weeks is a rough outline of topics of review each day/week. (These next 3 weeks are called our "PACT Push.") AND...guess what?! (drum roll, please..........................) I'VE ALREADY OUTLINED ALL THREE WEEKS AND WILL TURN THEM IN TOMORROW AND THEN THAT IS THE END OF LESSON PLANS FOR ME ALLLLLLL YEAR!!! Way to go ME!!! I'm unbelievably proud of myself, as you should be, because that means that all following weekends will not be plagued by the dread of doing lesson plans on Sunday nights! Wooooooo-Hooooooooooo!

However...I do have 6 weeks worth of grading to do tomorrow night and Tuesday so that my grades for the 5th 6 weeks are in the computer on time by Wednesday afternoon. So...fear not, loyal procrastinatory tendencies have not left my being. But I'm not worried about'll get done. It always does.

Last thing before I leave tonight...Chris and Carrie are getting married on Saturday!!! I cannot WAIT until their wedding!! It will be beautiful and fun and exciting!! Yay!!