Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The End of Summer

Well, folks...I have 1.5 more days of summer. That's right...I have to start back to work on Thursday, and then before I know it, I'll have 26(+?) brand new faces to learn and teach throughout the school year. This summer has FLOWN by!! :) I went in for a couple of hours (okay, like 1 1/2) today to try to arrange my room and stuff. My friend Suzi said "You're home!" Hahaha...I said, "Yup...for good, unfortunately!!" Oh but wait...I'll be going to Virginia this Saturday for my cousin MaryJo's wedding, so I still have that fun trip to take!! :) Anyway, walking into my room was quite overwhelming, seeing as how everything got moved to weird places (a bookshelf on top of my counter, my really ridiculously heavy file cabinet in the smack center of my room, a stack of chairs on top of my air conditioner, etc., etc.), but thanks to JC, one of our custodians, I got the heavy things down and upright, and he even unloaded my car for me!! :) That was pretty awesome! Anyway, after I got some of the big things moved, I decided I needed to take another shopping trip to Target, so I left, did my shopping, and then ran by the library on my way home to pick up the latest Janet Evanovich novels I had on hold there! I was going to go into school for a little bit tomorrow, too, although my friends Amy and Alyson said that I shouldn't because it's our last official day of summer!! :) I think I kind of agree!! :) If I'm up early (say...around 8 AM), then I might go on over just to get a few more things situated!! The good news is...now at least I won't feel quite so "out of place" if I do wait it out 'til Thursday. I tell ya...there's just so much that has to be done in such a short amount of time before you actually have students walk back into your room!! Can be quite unnerving!! I am very thankful, though, that my school does give two full days (plus two half days) for room-work only! They don't fill all 4 days with professional development stuff and meetings...that is just one more reason why I love my school!!

Well, I think I'm going to go wash the pots and pans that are waiting in my kitchen, read a chapter in one of my books, and then I'm headed to TR to visit Bailey and Emrick one more time before I start back to school!! :)