Sunday, October 09, 2005

If you're not LOST, you better lose yourself...

Okay. So. The past 36 hours of my life has included watching Season 1 of LOST in its entirety. As of 11 AM yesterday, I had not seen a single second of the show, and it's already in its second season by 3 episodes. But since Shay is the LOST fan that he is, he wanted me to watch it so that I could talk about it with him.

Well. I'm hooked. Absolutely-100%-this-show-rocks-my-face-off-more-than-any-show-in-a-really-damn-long-time hooked.

There's just one problem.

Well, two.

Problemo Numero Uno: I have no way to watch shows 1-3 of this season before #4 airs on Wednesday night. So...if anyone can help a girl'd be much appreciated.

Problemo Numero Dos: Since pretty much every second of every waking hour since 11 AM yesterday has involved me becoming completely involved with the show, it doesn't feel like a weekly television show. It feels real. And since the last episode ended in Walt [omitted as to not spoil anything for those who are not currently LOST fans, but who will be in due time] and the [omitted] being opened just in time for the viewers to NOT see what's inside, I'm very likely to have dreams/nightmares about this. Talk about leavin' a girl hangin'...

But anyway, if you are like I was prior to yesterday, and you have not jumped on the LOST bandwagon, you definitely should. Right now is the most opportune time, because you only have one season and 3 shows to catch up on. And it's REALLY helpful to have the background and the story from the beginning.

So yeah. Watch LOST.

And so, with only 45 minutes left in her weekend, Libby sits down to do her weekly lesson plans, which are due at 7:40 in the morning. Ta-ta!!

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