Monday, June 29, 2009

Sweet Summertime

Okay, though school was officially "out" on June 4, it doesn't feel like my 'real' summer will begin until after 4 PM tomorrow. Why? A bunch of things. Summer is supposed to be a time of rest and relaxation, but I feel as if I've been on the go 24/7 since school ended. Trip to Charleston, meetings, trip to Nashville, Nana's knee replacement surgery, in-laws, 3-day workshop, trip to Clemson, more in-laws, and then another 1/2-day workshop tomorrow afternoon. When it's over, though, I can chill! :)

Here I am, though, up at 1 AM deciding to start blogging again. I am also trying to "cuten" it up, but I can't seem to figure out how to get rid of the regular blogspot templates in lieu of my really cute one from! :) I'm getting the basic background, but something just isn't quite right! And I can't get the banner to work, either!! So...since it IS late...and since it IS already one step in the right direction of rejoining the blog world, I think I can call it quits for tonight. If you happen upon this and know what to do to help me fix it, please let me know!! :)

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